What a fun weekend. A group from CrossFit Bellevue decided to put a group of people from the gym to float the river. It was a fun group of gym members and friends of friends.
It was a nice relaxing float, everyone was having a great time and relaxing. About the third hour into the trip we come to the spot where people are climbing logs and jumping into the river. It looks pretty safe, tons of drunks are doing it so two sober people should have no problem.
I go the first time and come out unharmed So i'm about to jump a second time and decide to coax Erin to get up and do it too. Erin at first says no but I start ribbing her that tons of chicks are doing it and there are drunks everywhere doing it so since she's sober, she'll be fine.
Normally this isn't something she normally does but it's my job to help her past her comfort zone, after a little bit of talking her into it she decides to jump in. We are on the log and Erin looks at me and goes "this is pretty irresponsible" I go naaaaaaaaaa it's fun. She's climbing out onto the log and as she's there a group of drunken people lose control of their rafts and float right under where she's at, so she can't jump otherwise she'll land right on them. Erin starts to lose balance and instead of jumping in on top of them she jumps closer to shore and hits a very shallow area, lands straight leg and breaks her knee(Tibial Plateau Fracture). Just a fluke and crappy timing for what was still a great day.
I was asked by other friends if I felt guilty for talking Erin into jumping off the log but the truth is I've been talking her into doing stuff she never wanted to initially do since I met her. 1. marrying me 2. doing CrossFit 3. Last minute trip to Italy and other traveling 4. getting tattoos etc.... there are lots more and they all worked out great, so Erin didn't get mad at me for talking her into it, we both agreed it was just a fluke.................I'll still think twice before talking her into doing nutty stuff where she can possibly get hurt, however i'll still jump off the nearest object and ride the baddest bull, WHAT'S UP!!!! :-)
Besides it's not a party unless someone gets arrested or breaks something :)
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