CrossFit: Three rounds of 20-box jumps, 20-med ball cleans, 800 meter run.
You’ve heard me say this before and I’m sure you’ll hear me say this again but this WOD seemed faster on paper.
I did this WOD on Friday instead of Thursday when everyone else did it. My goal for this was to be sub 20 minutes.
I attacked the box jumps and cleans pretty strong and was shocked at how heavy my legs felt when I went into my first 800 meter run. Running after linking box jumps and cleans aren’t something my legs enjoyed. My body was shocked and that first 800 meter run was rough. When I got back in for the 2nd round I made sure I didn’t break up my box jumps, I slowed down a little but kept constant motion which is something I struggle with. Same thing with the medicine ball cleans, I didn’t go fast like I normally prefer but I kept constant movement with no breaks. On the 2nd round of 800 meter run my legs were completely numb and I think I was able to push it faster. It might be I just felt fast and I was moving really slow. I wish I knew what my 800 splits were.
Then when I went in for my last round my whole body was numb so I did the box jumps unbroken again and medicine ball cleans unbroken too then went quickly into the run. Again not a super fast 800 meter split but I couldn’t feel my legs and I pushed it until my lungs burned.
I finished at 19:47, so I got my sub 20 minutes and it was a happy day for me.
You’ve heard me say this before and I’m sure you’ll hear me say this again but this WOD seemed faster on paper.
I did this WOD on Friday instead of Thursday when everyone else did it. My goal for this was to be sub 20 minutes.
I attacked the box jumps and cleans pretty strong and was shocked at how heavy my legs felt when I went into my first 800 meter run. Running after linking box jumps and cleans aren’t something my legs enjoyed. My body was shocked and that first 800 meter run was rough. When I got back in for the 2nd round I made sure I didn’t break up my box jumps, I slowed down a little but kept constant motion which is something I struggle with. Same thing with the medicine ball cleans, I didn’t go fast like I normally prefer but I kept constant movement with no breaks. On the 2nd round of 800 meter run my legs were completely numb and I think I was able to push it faster. It might be I just felt fast and I was moving really slow. I wish I knew what my 800 splits were.
Then when I went in for my last round my whole body was numb so I did the box jumps unbroken again and medicine ball cleans unbroken too then went quickly into the run. Again not a super fast 800 meter split but I couldn’t feel my legs and I pushed it until my lungs burned.
I finished at 19:47, so I got my sub 20 minutes and it was a happy day for me.
This Saturday is my challenge WOD vs. Jon. I don’t know why people think I’m the underdog in this.
If you look at the stats, I have 2 wins and 0 losses in challenge WODs. I dusted Dan in “Mess with a Navy Seal Day” and I beat Levi in the “Broad Jump” challenge. So I’m undefeated while Jon hasn’t even won a challenge WOD yet.
So you figure out how I'm an underdog.
Ron is undefeated in heads up challenge WODs
Jon hasn’t even won a heads up challenge WOD
This Saturday is my challenge WOD vs. Jon. I don’t know why people think I’m the underdog in this.
If you look at the stats, I have 2 wins and 0 losses in challenge WODs. I dusted Dan in “Mess with a Navy Seal Day” and I beat Levi in the “Broad Jump” challenge. So I’m undefeated while Jon hasn’t even won a challenge WOD yet.
So you figure out how I'm an underdog.
Ron is undefeated in heads up challenge WODs
Jon hasn’t even won a heads up challenge WOD
Seems obvoius to me.
If you are in Crossfit long enough you’ll have strengths and weaknesses so when you put together a WOD for a heads up challenge you need to figure out which WOD suits your strengths and attacks your opponent’s weaknesses. So I may not win every WOD of the day but I’m strategic in picking WODs for the one on one challenges. Jons first mistake was being over confident and letting me pick any WOD I wanted for this……muahahahahaha.
RECOGNIZE I’m the undefeated champion for a reason, so EAT IT!!!!!
In case you’re curious the challenge WOD is:
10 rounds for time
5 pull ups
5-135 pound Clean and Jerk
200 Meter run
Shot quick bursts suit me better vs. Jon and I’ll get any rest I may need in the natural transition between exercises.
Another reason I’ll win this is………I have the lucky bobble head on my side, which will be watching over the challenge. Does Jon have a bobble head???? Nope. So WIN again for Ron.
I’m ready to be 3 and 0.
If you are in Crossfit long enough you’ll have strengths and weaknesses so when you put together a WOD for a heads up challenge you need to figure out which WOD suits your strengths and attacks your opponent’s weaknesses. So I may not win every WOD of the day but I’m strategic in picking WODs for the one on one challenges. Jons first mistake was being over confident and letting me pick any WOD I wanted for this……muahahahahaha.
RECOGNIZE I’m the undefeated champion for a reason, so EAT IT!!!!!
In case you’re curious the challenge WOD is:
10 rounds for time
5 pull ups
5-135 pound Clean and Jerk
200 Meter run
Shot quick bursts suit me better vs. Jon and I’ll get any rest I may need in the natural transition between exercises.
Another reason I’ll win this is………I have the lucky bobble head on my side, which will be watching over the challenge. Does Jon have a bobble head???? Nope. So WIN again for Ron.
I’m ready to be 3 and 0.