CrossFit: 400 run, 500 row, 800 run, 1000 row, 800 run, 500 row, 400 run.
I originally thought this was the same workout from February 8, 2010 (http://crossfit50states.blogspot.com/2010/03/february-08-2010.html). I was excited to compare and see if I made any improvement over the past 2 months. I attended a rowing seminar to clean up my technique so my time should improve. Now I know I had a relapse with my shoulder injury since then but I’m back and not using it as an excuse.
Unfortunately the WOD was a little different, everything was the same except an additional 800 meter run. Oh well can’t compare my time exactly but I can compare how I felt and see how my rows are coming along since that’s my weakest point.
I took off on the first 400 and like I expected I finished far in front of everyone. I guesstimate I was 15 seconds ahead of the next person, which was Jake, but he says I was ahead maybe 5-8 seconds max. I’m awesome so I’m sure it was 15 seconds which is an A** whoopin for 400 meter run :-) Unfortunately everyone is still a much better rower than me. Jake made up the 400 butt whoopin he took on the rower and was out the door for the 800 run first…………WTF that’s a lot of time to make up for a short row.
I wasn’t exhausted from the first 500 meter row so I bolted out the door planning to regain my lead. I caught Jake on the 800m run and came in the door ahead of him by a few seconds then went into the 1000 meter row………ick. Here is where everyone seemed to catch up to me. I don’t know if I was fatigued because I hadn’t been working my shoulders or back much since the injury or I just suck that much at rowing. Jake made up a ton of time on the 1000m row and was out the door probably 200+ meters ahead of me, plus Bill made up so much time on the row that he got out the door ahead of me too. I passed Bill on the run but Jake was really far ahead so catching him was tougher. I’m pretty sure I made up some time but he was about 200 meters ahead when I started. When I got in for my last 500 meter row, I was just happy it was a short distance so I could gut it out and get to a run.
During my last row Dan jumped my shi* which was a good thing. I guess I was flopping around like a fish and forgot everything I learned. I was wasting a ton of energy and going very slow. He tried giving me pointers but realized at this stage of the wod it was best to let me finish my last few hundred meters of the row then tighten up my stroke afterwards. Well I finished my row and saw that Jake was 100+ meters ahead again (stupid rower) but I had enough in me to push the run and I still thought I could catch him in the last 400m run :-)…………..well that didn’t work out like I planned, he finished far ahead of me, at least I took 2nd for that group and I was completely exhausted collapsing on the ground. I like that feeling because I know I pushed it as hard as I could go, for that day. So I was happy……..then I looked at the white board and saw I was 10th overall for the day, again my ego can’t handle that. I’m happy I got a good workout and I'm staying healthy but I need to fix some of the mechanics in these exercises so my times and finishes reflect how awesome I am.
In the end I need to get better at rowing or fake being sick on rowing days :-) After the workout dan cleaned up my row some and had me do an additional 500 meter row......yay(sarcasm)
I saw the workout for the following day…………….3 rounds for time: 1,000m row, 10 strict shoulder presses (65% 1 max rep), and 50 double unders. They should have titled that workout “Ron’s day off” And yes I did take that day off.
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