WODS and notes::
1st WOD @ 0900 - Three rds, 15 thrusters and 100 meter sand bag run (upstairs, wall to wall). M135, W95.
It took me forever to get warm and excited to work out. It’s 9am on a Saturday but once I got into it, this was the right way to start off our day. I can do 135 pound thrusters but I can’t link enough of them together yet so it was suggested I modify and do a lighter weight, so I did 105 pound thrusters and Erin did 60 pound thrusters, Erin should have and could have done more weight but it’s our first workout of our first 3 a day so she and I were playing it a little conservative to see how our bodies will handle the extra work.
I will point out what isn’t included with our WODs times is anytime we do a run of any sort we have to go down 2 flights of stairs then run back up them, so our times seem a little slower but that’s because we’re running hills and stairs instead of a flat level surface. I say that because we ran down the stairs, picked up 65 pound sandbag then ran them wall to wall which is about 100-150 meters, then put them down, run up the stairs and hit more thrusters. This works your legs so nice it will give you serious J-Lo booty.
Doing 105 pound thrusters, stairs, sand bag run I wound up finishing in 8 minutes 36 seconds.
Erin did 60 pound thrusters, sand bag run finished in 10 minutes 12 seconds
Matt Wrecked this WOD and finished at 7:21 finishing more than 40 seconds ahead of the next fastest person.
2nd WOD @ 1100 - 2 rounds for time of: 500 m Row, 15 Oh Squats 95/65 lbs, 500 m Row, 15 Toes to Bars.
Good WOD except there is rowing in it, but not every WOD can be perfect for me. This WOD I pushed pretty hard too, the only reason I had to slow down and break up my toes to bar was because my baby hands tore during this WOD. I moved my toes to bar to the rings during the last round and was able to link them together.
My Finish 15:29
Rowing Seminar at noon:
I forgot today is the day for the Rowing Seminar taught by Bob Cummins who is a World Champion Rower and Anna Cummins who has won an Olympic Gold and Silver medal. If these two people can’t make me fall in love with the rower then nobody can. http://www.cumminschiropractic.com/about_us.html
The seminar was great, I didn’t realize how horrible my technique was and how lazy I’d let my body get during the strokes. This made me very inefficient wasting a lot of energy. I wasn’t getting the power some others were getting but after completing the seminar I am getting the same power as I was before but expending a lot less energy, so that’s a good start and hopefully more power will come. I’m not in love with the rower yet but this seminar put me on better speaking terms with the rower and hopefully our friendship can blossom from there.
We wound up rowing 5-6000 meters during the seminar, with one more WOD to go to end our day.
3rd WOD @ 1300 - Row 1000m, Run 1 mile.
The 1000 meter row was my standard time but I did notice I focused on my technique a lot talking to myself “legs, body arms, arms body legs, legs, body arms, arms, body legs….” I looked at Jon in the rower next to me, he’s still beating me by 30 seconds per 500 meters but just focus and work on my stroke. I finished my 1000 meter, before I’d be exhausted, but this time I jumped out of the rower and thought I could catch up to Jon and Matt who finished the row far ahead of me. I caught up to Matt really quick, he isn’t the fastest runner and I think his back was bothering him (note to self if or when I challenge Matt to a WOD make sure there is running in it) Then as I head down the first hill I see Jon in my site. I can catch him! He finished the row so far ahead of everyone I swear I saw him running with his arms extended to the side swerving from left to right like he was an airplane and making engine noises……vroooooooommmmm. He made the first turn looked back and saw me, that stopped his airplane imitation and he put it in Jon gear. I finished less than a minute behind him which means no rowing in our WOD challenge but running is still going to be in it.
I didn’t win the WOD but took a nice second place.
1000 meter row, 1 mile run, climb stupid stairs to finish in 11 minutes 21 seconds.
Erin did great on this WOD too, top female time of 13 minutes 16 seconds.....She has more fist pumping victory laps than I do.
First week of 3 a days and our bodies feel great, sore but great.