I’ve always wanted to be a meathead. Now my father and brother might disagree because they think I was a meathead jock when I was younger but I always wanted to be the supersized bulked up meathead that has to walk bow legged because his thighs are so big they rub together. The guy who’s back and arms are so large that he can’t reach around to scratch his own butt :-)
I’ve been doing national and international Olympic Style Sport Tae Kwon Do competitions from 1986 until I retired from competitions in 2001. But with tkd tournaments I always had to watch my weight very close. The main weight divisions I fought in was feather weight which was 147 back in my day, in fact in 2001, my last year of competition I fought bantam weight which was 135. (I need to find the picture of the first time I made weight at 135) I was so skinny and dehydrated I literally had to go to bed the night before the weigh-in with ice bags all over my body because my body wasn’t able to regulate it’s temperature properly.
I went to long camps, tried out for teams, made some teams, did 3 workouts a day, peaked myself through the year with moderate lifting because my focus was fighting and speed. So I went years watching my weight and diet extremely close. My lifting was very limited back then. Still no regrets I got to do some cool stuff, had an opportunity to be an athlete for as long as I did and traveled around the world fighting. I still wish I could have spent some time as no neck meathead jock. I would look at the football lineman that would show up to a restaurant and order a plate of chicken legs, put one in their mouth and clean all the meat from it to the bone in one bite. That’s awesome!!! Be the guy in the weight room that you hear screaming at the top of their lungs when they are knocking out reps, people come over to see what is going on and walk away slowly when they see you’re bench pressing a Volvo. Ahhh to be the guy that stares at the weights, takes 15 minutes to wrap the wrists and knees, then walks back around yelling at the weight then drops down, knocks out 2 reps, screams at the top of my lungs gets up and high fives the 3 people spotting him. Oh yeahhhh to be that guy :-)
I was a gym rat when I retired from competition for a little while but never bulked up. I just couldn’t see the value in lifting so much for so long, what was the purpose? So I continued to work out with my goal to be fit, tone and very pretty.
Now I’m in Crossfit, YAY!!!!! You can be athletic, functional and a big meatheaded no neck jock. Sure sure someone will say that it is better to be a normal size and strong so you can be more functional and versatile, buttttttt If I bulk up to eventually deadlift 800+ pounds, I’ll be the barbell freak at the box……I’m ok with that. As long as I can still run, row, do pull-ups, muscle ups and all the other exercises decent enough, then focus my specialty in Crossfit to be uber strong with deadlift, cleans, snatches, presses, etc….. I think this is my opportunity to fulfill a lifelong goal and be the Crossfit version of “The Thing”
I need to spend some more time thinking about this, discuss the pros and cons with my family and friends. I need to go to a mirror, take a good look at myself and decide if I really want to mess with something so gorge-nificent.
I can definitely use any feedback and opinions.
Stay pretty people
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