I walked in the gym and everyone starts laughing and all eyes are on me.
Dan looks at me laughs and in a darth vadar voice goes "hahahahaha oh yeah little doggie it's ON!!!!!"
I thought I challenged Dan to Grace later in the week but nope he was ready to do it last night. That was so wrong because I showed up to the gym with a bottle of jack in one hand, a cigarette in the other and just finished eating a dozen donuts...the last thing I was ready to do was compete :-) Dan had a look in his eye like I took his last beer, so I got myself mentally ready.
WOD: 10 rounds: 15 deadlifts (135 pounds) and 15 pushups
The truth is, I actually needed something like this to help get me over the mental wall I've had lately working out. I've been taking too many breaks and not pushing as hard as I can since I injured my shoulder, so hopefully this will be the push I needed. When I hit round 5 I started breaking up my deadlifts but I saw Dan right in front of me, very serious and focused so I decided after that not to break up my deadlifts anymore. That felt really good and made a huge difference; I was completely exhausted at the end.
I wound up winning the WOD faceoff and Dan graciously posted on the site that I won buttttt I guess that wasn't the whole story.
OMFG I had the most painful car ride home after the WOD. Let's build up to why which gives the whole story to Dan and my face off.
Now when the WOD started, I heard everyone yelling, giving directions and giggling since there was a challenge and bragging rights on the line, so I didn't know what was real and what was talk just to mess with us so I ignored it assuming I had perfect technique because I definitely felt a huge burn :-)
I finished in the WOD 9:28 but for some reason erin won't even make eye contact with me and keeps shaking her head, so now we're at why the car ride home was the LONGEST IN MY LIFE!!!!!!!
These are pretty much exact quotes from my wife as soon as we got in the car:
-You know that win doesn't count
-It doesn't count because you didn't lock out at the top of your deadlifts
-Your pushups didn't go all the way down
-Your pushups never went all the way up
-If you're going to talk shi* you have to have good technique otherwise nobody will ever believe any of your times
-seriously that doesn't count, if you had good technique your time would have been much slower.
UGGGGH my head hurt so bad in the car, isn't your wife supposed to be on your side no matter what? Erin and I have been with each other almost 10 years and i've never been nagged by her, until this car ride home. My kids even got in on the action, next thing you know I hear my oldest daughter saying "daddy you weren't going all the way down on the pushups"......luckily I can ground her.
I heard that the last few rounds is when my technique wasn't perfect, especially in the pushups, and I also heard that it was clean enough from other trainers but ultimately a rematch is in order to make sure it's a clean win.
I will say that I didn't really expect Dan to want to compete tonight. I know he hasn't deadlifted in months and his back's been sore lately so what I can't believe is that even after that, he hung with me almost rep for rep the whole way until the end, and Im in there 3-4 times a week. And according to the peanut gallery, had I focused on my technique more, we could have very well tied :P. I still think it's more reasonable to do a "Super Grace" 50 reps at 135 pounds for time. We'll get less trash talking from the bystanders because they can't criticize us too much with getting the bar from the ground to above your head.
I will say that I didn't really expect Dan to want to compete tonight. I know he hasn't deadlifted in months and his back's been sore lately so what I can't believe is that even after that, he hung with me almost rep for rep the whole way until the end, and Im in there 3-4 times a week. And according to the peanut gallery, had I focused on my technique more, we could have very well tied :P. I still think it's more reasonable to do a "Super Grace" 50 reps at 135 pounds for time. We'll get less trash talking from the bystanders because they can't criticize us too much with getting the bar from the ground to above your head.
My body feels like it has a crossfit hangover. That push and extra intensity I had from going against Dan has made my body so sore that it hurts when I smile. I've been pretty vocal about how sore I am from my face off vs. Dan then Dan goes on vacation the day after and schedules "Daniel" as the WOD of the day for my next day in the gym. He should have just posted as the WOD of the day to "Punch Ron in the stomach 100 times".
Ok point taken Dan. But I'm still looking forward to our Super Grace face off.
So coming soon:
Mess with a Navy Seal Day: Part 2
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