Wednesday, March 17, 2010

No victory laps on a rower: February 22, 2010: CrossFit: 800 run, 1000 row, 100 double unders, 400 run, 500 row, 50 Double unders

I never said anything about a victory lap with this WOD. I'm starting to know better, sure it's taking a long time to learn and chances are I'll go back to my normal self soon but at least I'm realizing it for today.

I can tell you now how this workout is going to go for me.

Start the 800 run. I go out fast and finish 1st or 2nd a good distance ahead of everyone.

Then I head to the rowers swearing at the stairs in my head them as I see the
rower I start swearing at it. I stand at the rower exhausted, wishing I hadn't gone out so fast so I stare down the rower mentally asking it to be easy this time.
1000 meter row. Everyone catches up and passes me on the first row. I find out again the rower and I aren't friends.

100 double unders. I should do pretty good at these and make
up some time.

After the double unders I'm already exhausted so I job the 400 and do it in 3-4 minutes.

I walk up the stairs and on the way to the rower I crack jokes with people still there from the 530 class and hope nobody notices I'm in the middle of a WOD. Dan or gabe then notice, calls me a girls name and I take the longest possible route to the rower.

Final 500 row. I hit cruise control and finish it in 2:14-ish (I will regret this time after the workout and wish I pushed harder and gotten a sub 2:00 which is a time I should hit this deep in a wod)

final 50 double unders will be tough but I can gut them out pretty well.
When the workout is over I start crying on the Inside but I walk over and act like it wasn't that bad of a workout.

Oh and I will never ever ever.....probably a victory Lap on a rower.

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