My friends call me an extremely lucky person while other friends call me unlucky, I guess it depends on how you choose to look at the different fun/messes I seem to fall into.
I’m still on the fence with my current situation if I’m lucky or unlucky. I’m going to build up from how an innocent comment I made blew up into 8 people flying to Montana for a weekend.
In an earlier blog post I posted a video of the Onyon family games where you see me destroy the competition in a potato sack race. Because I jumped so high and so far I took a nasty fall at the end where I re-injured my shoulder.
So people at Crossfit Bellevue asked how I hurt myself and I innocently said I re-injured it riding a bull.
Now I didn’t think anyone would actually believe me but someone took it hook line and sinker and said that I’m re-injuring myself because I do crazy activities like riding a bull.
I can’t be blamed if they believe my ridiculous statements. Then Gabe was nice enough call me out for really hurting my shoulder in a potato sack race.
So I told them the truth…..and my truth is, I jumped so high and so far that when I landed it's the same height and has the impact as someone riding and being thrown from a bull…..you can’t laugh it’s true, I have ups baby.
This led to a bunch of trash talking and joking around. Then Jake at the gym says "Ron do you actually want to know what it feels like to ride a bull, I may be able to set it up"
Everyone gets instantly excited and wants to make it happen, so of course I say “Set it up”.
Next Jakes dad, Brian, steps in laughing his a** off and says he can and will set up all the bull riding and steer wrestling we can handle, if we’re serious. I definitely have more brawn than brain and have never let a little bit of pain step in the way of some glory. So I cowboyed up and said “HELL YEAH MAKE IT HAPPEN”.
So 8 of us are planning to go to the ranch in Montana and spend the weekend riding bull and wrestling steer. What makes it even better is there will be belt buckles (see actual picture above) given out to the winners of the cowboy events and if anyone can stay on a bucking bull for 8 seconds. You know that’s awesome!!!!
Sure Brian and Jake are setting this up to see the others and myself fall and bust our a** but it should be a lot of fun, get some cool stories, good pictures, great video and have fun with friends. Plus they said the ranch is in a town of roughly 300 people and the town already knows of our plans to go there to play cowboy. The town plans on being there to watch all the city boys try to cowboy up. This is going to hurt but will be a lot of fun with the chance to win a belt buckle.
See, am I lucky or unlucky? I somehow dumbed my way into riding bull and wrestling steer for a weekend in Montana in front of a town full of real cowboys.
p.s. Believe it or not out of everything scheduled for the cowboy weekend in Montana the statement Jake made while we were discussing details has me the most worried. Jake said “This trip will be fun. We will hang out play cowboy and there will be all the brandy and scotch you can drink”. It seems harmless enough but I have to drink brandy and scotch in front of a bunch of cowboys. I don’t do well drinking hard liquors. I’m afraid they’ll make fun of me if I ask to warm up with a corona with lime or a Unicorn Berry Blast™ (Zima + fresh strawberries + skittles = Unicorn Berry Blast™). Maybe I’ll just man up and drink scotch when it’s time.
I’m still on the fence with my current situation if I’m lucky or unlucky. I’m going to build up from how an innocent comment I made blew up into 8 people flying to Montana for a weekend.
In an earlier blog post I posted a video of the Onyon family games where you see me destroy the competition in a potato sack race. Because I jumped so high and so far I took a nasty fall at the end where I re-injured my shoulder.
So people at Crossfit Bellevue asked how I hurt myself and I innocently said I re-injured it riding a bull.
Now I didn’t think anyone would actually believe me but someone took it hook line and sinker and said that I’m re-injuring myself because I do crazy activities like riding a bull.
I can’t be blamed if they believe my ridiculous statements. Then Gabe was nice enough call me out for really hurting my shoulder in a potato sack race.
So I told them the truth…..and my truth is, I jumped so high and so far that when I landed it's the same height and has the impact as someone riding and being thrown from a bull…..you can’t laugh it’s true, I have ups baby.
This led to a bunch of trash talking and joking around. Then Jake at the gym says "Ron do you actually want to know what it feels like to ride a bull, I may be able to set it up"
Everyone gets instantly excited and wants to make it happen, so of course I say “Set it up”.
Next Jakes dad, Brian, steps in laughing his a** off and says he can and will set up all the bull riding and steer wrestling we can handle, if we’re serious. I definitely have more brawn than brain and have never let a little bit of pain step in the way of some glory. So I cowboyed up and said “HELL YEAH MAKE IT HAPPEN”.
So 8 of us are planning to go to the ranch in Montana and spend the weekend riding bull and wrestling steer. What makes it even better is there will be belt buckles (see actual picture above) given out to the winners of the cowboy events and if anyone can stay on a bucking bull for 8 seconds. You know that’s awesome!!!!
Sure Brian and Jake are setting this up to see the others and myself fall and bust our a** but it should be a lot of fun, get some cool stories, good pictures, great video and have fun with friends. Plus they said the ranch is in a town of roughly 300 people and the town already knows of our plans to go there to play cowboy. The town plans on being there to watch all the city boys try to cowboy up. This is going to hurt but will be a lot of fun with the chance to win a belt buckle.
See, am I lucky or unlucky? I somehow dumbed my way into riding bull and wrestling steer for a weekend in Montana in front of a town full of real cowboys.
p.s. Believe it or not out of everything scheduled for the cowboy weekend in Montana the statement Jake made while we were discussing details has me the most worried. Jake said “This trip will be fun. We will hang out play cowboy and there will be all the brandy and scotch you can drink”. It seems harmless enough but I have to drink brandy and scotch in front of a bunch of cowboys. I don’t do well drinking hard liquors. I’m afraid they’ll make fun of me if I ask to warm up with a corona with lime or a Unicorn Berry Blast™ (Zima + fresh strawberries + skittles = Unicorn Berry Blast™). Maybe I’ll just man up and drink scotch when it’s time.
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