Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Deadlift WOD and GHD kick me in the junk

Tuesdays workout was: Deadlifts, situps, 400 runs after each set. 10/10, 8/20, 6/30, 4/40, 2/50.

The 225 deadlift is an exercise I won’t take any breaks on, I can run the 400’s strong and the situps are not an issue where I can knock them out fast and take no breaks, this is my day..….unfortunately I missed that level 3 was GHD situps so that changed my strategy a lot. GHD situps like me about as much as the rower, except when I do a lot of GHD situps I get a nice pukey feeling while the rower just kicks me in the junk then laughs at me afterwards.

But still I saw this workout I’m thinking, this is my day for a victory lap. Matt, Jon and Kim are still resting from the games, bill is not in tonight so as long as I can go faster than Levi, Jake and a few others I should have my victory lap.

I knock out the first round and am first out the door. The early rounds I was able to keep a fast pace because the deadlifts are strong for me, I like the run and with few GHD situps at the beginning I have a good feeling about this WOD. By time I hit the round of 6/30 I now had to start breaking up the GHD situps, mainly because I was feeling a little nauseous. By time I get to the last round I look at the time and see as long as I can do the GHD’s in a reasonable time, stay ahead of Jake then I should beat Levi’s time and do my victory lap. I knock out the last round and complete it in 22:34 oh yeahhhhhhh!!!!! Levi did it in 23:13 let’s start my victory lap but first I walk outside for a few minutes to dry heave then afterwards go back in double check the times on the board and do my victory lap……………..WTF!!!!! I forgot Janice did the workout and destroyed me again, dammit. Wait wait wait, Eric, Chuck, Sean, and Steve also beat me by a lot. Where did all these people come from? Today was supposed to be my day.

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