Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Mess with a Navy Seal Day!!!!! There is a good chance I will regret this :-)

Let's just say, sometimes it's fun to poke a stick at the big dawg :-)

The box I train at the owner is a 14 year Navy Seal vet so if you have a good day, why not mess with him a little :-)

This is the conversation posted on the crossfit bellevue website:

March 15, 2010

CrossFit: Every min on the min conduct a Power Clean and Jerk, add 1-rep per minute, once you fail, subtract a rep per minute, so 1-2-3 etc per minute, then 10-9-8 etc per minute.

This Power Clean WOD was exactly what I needed. That felt gooooooood, got a nice burn in my body and my lungs. I finished 8 rounds but I think I could have made it to 9 rounds but I was worried I would hit failure and not be able to complete the 2nd round of 9 then still have to pyramid down 8, 7, 6, etc.....I should have went for it, if you're never failing you're never really trying. Oh well, still a good night and happy with how I finished.

Oh did you know Dan got 7 rounds and I got 8 :-)

Jon, Matt and Christina are machines, they wrecked it. I didn't get to the gym until 740-ish and they were still talking about how Jon destroyed this WOD. Jon did 11 rounds which is just insane, they were still talking about how when he did rounds 9, 10, 11, 11, 10, 9 he took no break and was doing constant reps. You really need to video tape that next time.

Oh yeah!!! Dan got 7 rounds and I got 8 :-)

Another funny thing when we got to the gym. Jake was there, he had already completed the WOD but he looked like a sad puppy dog. He was disappointed he didn't push himself as hard as he felt he could have finished. Jake normally beasts the workouts, so he didn't feel good about how many rounds he completed. We've all been there and want a do-over on a WOD. It's ok there will be other WOD's, but to make Jake feel better if you see him Tuesday go up and give him a hug or pet him to make him feel better, he'll appreciate it :-)

Hey, Dan got 7 rounds and I got 8 :-)

I think power cleans and power snatches are my favorite exercises. There is something fun about throwing weights around. I might just have to do Grace in the next week on my own to see where my time is at.

Oh did you know, Dan got 7 rounds and I got 8, he might need a hug today too :-)

After reading my post Dan Posted: Now, now little doggy, dont poke a stick at the big dog just because he sits quietly in the corner, remember he is still a big dog.

My response: I understand Dan......but did you know that you got 7 rounds and I got 8 :-)

Dan Posted: I accept...tonight (I picture Dan saying "I accept" in a Darth Vadar voice while clinching his fist in the air)

So I posted: Crap, what did you accept? I don't remember challenging you to anything? Grace face off, Saturday High noon?

As I finished posting the above comment I realized what I wrote and couldn't take it back so I followed it with another post: Crap I can't delete my last post :P I posted before my brain told my hands to stop typing

Dan posted(again in a Darth Vadar voice): I accept

So I posted back: Crap :-) Well if it's a challenge then we may as well make it worth while....either win big or lose big. Person that doesn't win has to wear a tshirt the following saturday with: "Rons the man"

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