Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Erin gets to Fist Pump!!! February 13, 2010

"Diversity...Adversity...Prosperity" 500 m row, 10-dead lifts, 20-box jumps, 30-KB Swings, 40-Wall Ball, 50-OH Lunges, 500 m row.

Fun workout, again I read it and thought I should have the fastest time for today, why shouldn’t I, I’m Me………duhhhhhhhh.

My game plan with this WOD was go as hard as I could and I probably wouldn’t need any rest until the 40 wallballs. I guess my brain tried to tell my body that the rest of the exercises leading up to that were easy and wouldn’t cause my heart rate to increase at all. Good Plan

I will say my shoulder felt good, I had no problems doing any of the exercises so no excuses this workout.

Started the 500 row and I pulled a 1:36 which is good for me since normally I really really suck at rowing. I was tired so moving into the deadlift I had to break it up which is very disappointing because normally 10 reps at this weight is something I would burn through. I didn’t break up the box jumps and thought the kettlebells wouldn’t be a problem but for some reason(mental block) I broke them up into sets of tens. Lazy is what it was. Then the wallballs is where I needed some break, I had to do those in sets of tens too………………..oh one thing worth noting is that when you post comments on here and call out a lot of people for how you’re going to smoke them and air hump when you beat them, you put a big bullseye on your head. I started the wallballs and on my second one I heard Mike and Christine yelling that I was throwing the ball up too low, but I can read between the lines and can tell what they really meant. They’ve read my previous posts so when they yelled “Hey Ron you have to toss the ball higher” they were really saying “Hey Ron, you didn’t mention us on your previous posts and we beat your a** on a regular basis” So it’s noted, thank you for making sure I hit the right marks so my times are legit, I’m sincere with that…………..Plus I’ve added both your names of the people I’ll be fist pumping and air humping when I beat, HIGH FIVE!!!!

Then came the 50 overhead lunges, these weren’t that bad after the wallballs, which means I didn’t push it hard up to that point. I knocked them out 10-10-10-20 and I felt I could have linked more of those together too.

I was really tired from the WOD but me not linking more exercises together left me with too much energy at this point. When I hit my final 500 row I wanted to push it until I exhausted myself and would collapse but I finished my last 500 in 2:10. Obviously I got lazy, finished my level 3 at 14:22; decent but too many breaks, I wasn’t even close to the top time. I am happy it's a good but my brain seems to think that I should be going much much faster, so I'll keep trying to tell my body to speed up.

I thought this was another WOD that fit more of my strengths where I should be at the top but somehow my body wasn’t there. That’s frustrating and something I need to get over and just do, just push it and stop taking those damn breaks.
Oh very cool thing. My wife, Erin, is getting to where she’s not just surviving a lot of workouts but regularly doing level 3’s. Well today she got the top level 3 female time for the gym. She was amped and very excited which you can tell from the video below.

WARNING!!!! After watching the video she wanted me to point out she was tired and even though in the video it looks like she has no rhythm………that’s a lie, she can actually dance and has rhythm. Don’t judge her from being this fist pump.

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